Every once in a while I get a wild hair up my backside and decide to do something different. The following is a poem I wrote a few weeks ago. It expresses what I and a lot of other conservatives are feeling and sends a message to Congress about how upset we are with the status quo. I hope you enjoy it.
I think that 2% of the population of the United States will be running 98% of the population if we don’t get off our asses and go to the polls. That’s the only “legal” way to keep these bastards from taking over the country by counting on our passive attitude. I think that based upon current events and the democraps continued attacks on our President that November will bring civil war. The quiet majority cannot sit on their asses any longer hoping things will pass, things will get back to normal, etc. etc. This crap is not going to stop until the 98% start killing the miscreants currently looting, rioting, murdering, terrorizing innocent people. Time for everyone of the 98% to take control of their second amendment rights and defend themselves when attacked, or even when “threatened” with attack. No car, train, plane, truck, bus should ever stop for rioters blocking the streets, roads and highways of this country. We’ve already seen what these animals are capable of when the stop someone, destroy their vehicle, pull them out of their vehicle and beat them to death. DON’T STOP, SPEED UP, STAY IN YOUR LEGAL LANE AND KILL AS MANY OF THEM AS YOU CAN while trying to flee the aggressors. Then there is the question of just who is behind all of these criminal acts. “Foundations” – Soros, CIA, SEC, other “deep state” crapheads should be rounded up, charged, tried, executed. You cannot fix stupid, you cannot fix socialists, communists, nazis. You can only kill them. The democraps and the deep state have spent over three years trying to get rid of a duly elected president. They have done nothing for the American Citizen. Impeachment didn’t work, COVID won’t work, monster wasps didn’t work, flying flame breathing cicadas won’t work, another round of COVID won’t work so RIOTS, LOOTING, MURDER has been their current tactic. 98% get off your asses and eliminate the rioters, looters and murderers, starting with those democraps currently in office.