Who I am is not important – at least not in the grand scheme of things.  I am just another voice in the vast internet wilderness that begs to be heard.  But what I have to say IS important, at least it is to me, and I hope it is to you.  The following is my feeble attempt to describe who I am and what I believe in, in as few words as possible (I have been told that I am prolific with my writing, so please bear with me).

I am a Male WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant).  I was born in 1951 in a small town in north Texas and grew up near Dallas.  After graduating High School I attended the University of Texas at Austin where I received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management.  After completing my education, I moved to Houston where I worked in the offshore oil business for over 40 years, retiring in 2015.  I now reside with my wife in Katy, just west of Houston.  I have two children and four grandchildren.

Since retirement, I have struggled trying to decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  After several false starts, I decided to write a blog about issues that are important to me.  I love my country and my state and am deeply concerned about the direction both are headed in.  I believe that governments at all levels – federal, state and local – are out of control and abusing the powers granted to them by the people they represent.

Politically, I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican, although I am registered as a Republican and have served as a delegate to Republican Precinct, County, District and State Conventions, and hope one day to attend the National Convention. I probably come closer to being a Libertarian than anything else but consider myself a Constitutional Conservative.  I believe in limited government at all levels, but especially at the federal level, which is what I believe was the intent of our founding fathers.

I believe the US Constitution is the law of the land.  I believe the Constitution says exactly what our founding fathers intended it to say and is not a “Living Document” open to interpretation by liberal judges.  That being said, the Constitution is not a perfect document and there are some parts of it that I would like to see changed to further limit the power of the federal government – Term Limits and a Balanced Budget Amendment come to mind.  That is what the amendment process is for and why I am a strong supporter of a Convention of States.

I am also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.  I believe the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is the Right that protects all other Rights and without it we would soon have no rights at all.  I am a Benefactor Member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), a Life Member of the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA), and a member of The 2nd Amendment Foundation.

I chose the pseudonym The TEXAS MINUTEMAN™ because I believe it represents better than anything else both who I am and what I believe in.  My ultimate goal is to see control of the government taken away from global elitists and special interest groups and returned to the American people, not by violence, but by education and exercising our power of the vote.  This blog is my way of supporting that effort.  That being said, I am prepared to defend unto death my rights, and the rights of all Americans that are granted to us by the Constitution and by GOD, against the abuses and tyranny of a government that ignores the will of We the People.

I sincerely hope that you find something useful in what I have to say and will join me and many other Americans who believe in the power of We the People and will take a stand against tyranny to ensure that government “Of the People, By the People and For the People” does not perish from this earth.


This website is dedicated to We the People and to the thoughts and ideals that our founding fathers so valiantly fought and died for.  The rights and liberties that we enjoy (and sadly, take for granted) are unique in the world and the envy of those who suffer under the tyranny of oppressive governments.  Unfortunately, these rights and liberties are under constant attack, both from within and without, and we must be ever vigilant and steadfast lest we lose them to indifference.

I believe in the power of the written word (“the pen is mightier than the sword“) and when used to elicit thought and discourse among people, to encourage people to self-educate and become involved, to provide an avenue for their voices to be heard, it is far more powerful than acts of disobedience and violence.  That being said, the written word can be equally powerful when used for the opposite effect, to sow discord and discontent, to distort the truth and promote falsehoods, or worst of all, to censure or bury the truth when it does not support the narrative that is being promoted.  Sadly, such is the state of the media today.  One must dig deep to find the truth – it is out there, just not in the mainstream media or on social media.

My hope and intention is to make this website different from the many other websites that proliferate the internet and regurgitate the news du jour, or rant and rave about who did or said what to or about whom, or are pushing an agenda under the auspices of protecting our right, or claim that WE MUST DO SOMETHING OR WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!  While I do intend to write articles about current events, I  also intend to write articles about historical events (“those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”), people who made or are making a difference and other topics that have or can have significant importance in our lives.

While most of my posts will be written in standard prose, I also enjoy writing poetry, satire and sarcasm and believe that when used properly and in the right context, can be more effective in delivering a message than the most eloquent prose.  Each has its place and I intend to use all of them to the best of my ability.  I sincerely hope that you enjoy what you read.

Feedback is the most important thing I can receive as a blogger.  It is the only way I know if I what I write is having an impact on you.  I encourage you to comment on what I write, and welcome both positive and negative comments and suggestions.  I ask only that you keep your comments civil and limited to the topic at hand.

I also encourage you to share my posts with others who may be interested in what I have to say.  I do not measure success by how many people visit this website or how many people join as members.  Instead, I measure success by how much interaction I have with those who do visit or join.  Only then do I know if what I say is having an impact.

I do not expect my words to be long remembered.  I do not think that what I have to say is more important than what many others have to say.  But I do believe that what I have to say is important in its own way.  My hope is to encourage you to open your eyes to what is going on in our country and to get involved in whatever way you can to make a difference.  If in someway, what I say has a positive impact on you, even if it is to elicit a chuckle or a roll of the eyeballs, then I have achieved my goal.



The TEXAS MINUTEMAN™ has no affiliation or relationship with Texas Minutemen Inc. the Minuteman Project, or any other organization using the terms “Minuteman”, “Minutemen”, “Texas Minutemen”, “Militia” or other similar or related terms.