As I watch what is going on in Washington DC, I can’t help but wonder what it is that Democrats are afraid of, and why are they afraid?
Why are the barriers that were put up around the Capitol complex after the Capitol riot on January 6th still in place? Why are there still 10,000 National Guard troops still in Washington DC?
Why has Nancy Pelosi prohibited constituents from visiting their elected representatives in their offices in the Capitol?
Why are they so afraid of any investigation into election fraud if the election truly was “the fairest election ever conducted”, as they claim? Are they afraid that we might find out the truth and expose their lies?
Why are they putting legislation for gun control up for a vote without any debate? Are they afraid that we might find out that btheir true agenda behind these bills might be something other than what they claim?
Why is President Biden kept on a leash and not allowed to speak in public? Are they afraid that he may say something stupid (as he always does), or worse, prove to the world that he is a demented old fool being propped up and controlled like a puppet?
Why has Biden not delivered a State of the Union Address as required by the US Constitution? Are they afraid that he is incapable of speaking coherently for more than fifteen minutes at a time?
Why are heads of foreign states being directed to speak to Vice-President Kamala Harris instead of speaking directly to President Biden? Are they afraid that these foreign leaders may discover the truth about Biden’s mental state?
What are the Democrats so afraid of?
Could it be the Democrats are afraid of We the People?
Could it be that they are afraid of what we might do if we found out what was really going on behind closed doors, behind the barrier?
Could it be that they are afraid that when their lies are exposed, that when their deception is unveiled, that We the People might rise up and say “Enough is Enough” and put a stop to it.
Could it be that they are afraid because they know that WE know and there is nothing they can do about it?
Could it be that the Democrats gambled and lost, and THEY know it?
Could it be that they are afraid of the consequences of their actions?
Whatever the reason, whatever they are afraid of, they ARE afraid.
And they should be afraid, because WE the People are NOT afraid of them!
They should be afraid…VERY afraid, of patriotic Americans who are sick and tired of the Democrats and Liberals dragging our country down a deep abyss. One day, these Patriots will rise up for American Revolution II and take this country back, by force if need be. If not, tyranny will rule, and we will be no better than Venezuela.