Are You a Domestic Violent Extremist or a Homegrown Violent Extremist?

Yesterday (Wednesday, January 27. 2021), the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security David Pekoske issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin warning against actions that may be taken by “extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority.”  The bulletin states: “The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin…


12 Years Until Armageddon (and counting)

Just two years ago, on January 22, 2019, newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that beacon of brilliance from New York, proclaimed: “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” Two-thirds of Democrats, including many high-ranking elected officials and presidential contenders, believed Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) claim.  A poll…
